As you start to let go of 2016, and welcome 2017, believe that this new year is not an end or a beginning, but a continuation of your life, a new chapter in your novel. As you embrace 2017 with new challenges and goals, rather than making an annual to-do list, let’s start this year by taking it one day at a time. Instead of assessing your progress at the end of this year, try reflecting at the end of every single day. “Big doors swing on little hinges,” or rather big goals are accomplished by small, consistent, actions. It is today, which will form tomorrow, and tomorrow, which will form the future. It was not just one single moment that led you to love and trust us, but weeks, months, and years of consistency, love, and good care that has led our relationship to flourish and last.
This coming new year, we pledge to live every day as passionately as we do during those last 60 seconds of December 31st, constantly reminding ourselves that our prime purpose in life, is living to serve others!